Portford is here to help you transition your document management operation to remote working due to the COVID restrictions:
-  Implement a Document Management System – Our cloud document management solution can be quickly deployed to help you securely store documents so they can be quickly accessed by employees.
- Archive to Active – If you currently use your document management purely as an archive, you may want to consider implementing a workflow to help employees working in different locations collaborate more effectively. Implementing a document workflow solution will help to ease compliance risks around taking paper documents home.
- Automate Document Capture – We can assist in automating additional method of document capture such as email, file-shares, secure FTP sites, other business applications etc.
- Application Support – Our support is still open so if you have any questions, concerns, or issues with how employees can access documents from home…then give us a call.
Contact our support now for assistance:Â https://www.portfordsolutions.com/support/