Kofax: The First Mile of Customer Engagement Begins With a Single Step

By Jeff Ballard, Industry Solutions Manager, Kofax (www.kofax.com) On June 15, 2013

Chinese philosopher Lao Tsu once said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” When it comes to doing business in “Age of the Customer”, it is also true that, “the journey of customer engagement begins with the First Mile.”

Today’s customers are more empowered and connected than ever before. They know what they want, and they want transactions to be fast, easy and convenient. That means you need to engage customers in the manner – and from the device – they prefer, whether from a smart phone, tablet, email or in-person. Because if you don’t, they’ll find someone who will.

Developing profitable, long-lasting customer relationships, however, goes beyond just supporting their preferred communication channel. It means addressing the entire customer interaction process, starting from the moment they engage you. This is the First Mile of Customer Engagement.

With information coming into an organization in a variety of formats – mobile, web, email, paper, fax and others – the challenge is to get that information into the appropriate systems quickly and accurately so action can be taken.
For many companies, moving this information from the originating correspondence into the core systems and applications is a manual process. While businesses can capture the document as it enters a system, more often than not they are merely creating an image of the document and routing that image for review before eventually manually re-keying the needed data for further processing.

However, such a process is overly tedious and results in unnecessarily long processing times, more room for error, and greater potential for a security breach involving your customers’ sensitive information.

By leveraging integrated capture and workflow solutions, companies can ingest key customer data quickly, automatically and with fewer errors. The result is greater responsiveness to the customer and greater accuracy during the transaction, leading to heightened customer satisfaction and loyalty. And it all starts with that first step.

See more at: http://www.kofax.com/blog/index.php/the-first-mile-of-customer-engagement-begins-with-a-single-step/#sthash.0MAWNKXo.dpuf