Extend the Life of Your Scanners with V-Care
For customers with several document scanners consisting of possibly different brands and maintenance expiration dates, Portford now offers a program called V-Care that consolidates your scanner service contracts and greatly reduces your cost of administration. V-Care is a cost-effective scanner service and support package that includes scanner repair coverage combined with preventative maintenance and consumable parts (rollers) as well as cleaning supplies. The maintenance program for each scanner is customized based on how each scanner is being used in the scanning operation. The result is maximized scanner up-time and reduced administrative costs by consolidating scanner service contracts and vendors.
Below are some additional advantages and benefits of the V-care scanner service program
- IMMEDIATE RESPONSE TO SERVICE ISSUES through the Customer Support Center where experienced technicians answer the phone when a service call is placed. (A technician is dispatched if the problem cannot be resolved quickly over the phone.)
- ALL SCANNERS HAVE CO-TERMED SERVICE COVERAGE providing one common expiration date under one contract, regardless of brand or purchase date, minimizing contract administration cost.
- PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE (PM) VISITS ARE INCLUDED for each production scanner. PM’s are pre-scheduled and dispatched automatically by the Customer Support Center.
- CONSUMABLE KITS ARE INCLUDED in the service contract. Rollers in the kit are needed by the technician for the PM’s. The cleaning supplies in the kit are used by scanner operators for routine daily maintenance.
- 3-YEAR CONTRACTS (PAYABLE ONE YEAR AT A TIME) ease administration and avoid annual price increases. Discounts may be available for 3-year contracts paid in advance.
- FLEXIBILITY TO MOVE SCANNERS ON AND OFF THE CONTRACT WITHOUT PENALTY New scanners are prorated to line up with current contract expiration dates. Unused service payments for retired scanners are credited back to the customer.
- SCANNER SERVICE HISTORY IS AVAILABLE through the Service Management Portal (only for service calls placed to the Customer Support Center).
- LOW COST ADVANCE EXCHANGE ERVICE FOR LOW-VOLUME/DESKTOP (FUJITSU) SCANNERS is available (replacement scanner shipped overnight).
For more information or to schedule an assessment of your scanner fleet, please contact your Portford representative today!