EMC World Overview
Thousands of EMC customers and partners attended EMC World in Boston May 10th – 13th and had the opportunity to attend 91 presentations on Documentum and 2 presentations on ApplicationXtender. EMC’s Content Management and Archiving (CMA) family of products (which includes Documentum, Captiva, and ApplicationXtender) has been changed to the Information Intelligence Group (IIG). While the overall them of EMC World was “Journey to the Private Cloud”, the theme for Documentum was the xCelerated Composition Platform (xCP) which is a combination of Business Process Management, TaskSpace, and Forms Builder Tools. See the following article in this newsletter for more details on xCP.
Many feel that Centerstage still lacks some of the document management functionality found in Webtop and some collaboration features the eRoom provide. EMC continues to focus development on Centerstage which has now been available for two years in limited and wide release. Next year EMC plans to make the SDK for Centerstage available which should lead to a much wider adoption among Documentum customers.
Overall, Documentum and ApplicationXtender were not the major focus at EMC World which is why Portford provides our customers regular webex seminars, a content rich support portal, and our blog keep our customers current on the issues and products that concern them the most.