Documentum v7
Documentum v7.0 has been released by EMC late 2012 and we wanted to explain the product background as a number of our customers are asking whether they should upgrade to it.
Documentum Content Server v7.0 is a release primarily focused on facilitating the implementation of D2 and xCP v2. There is no WebTop for v7.0, but v6.7. SP2 is certified against this build, as too is xPlore v1.3.
So if you are looking to migrate to a D2/xCP stack then we do recommend the upgrade, however, if you going to stay with the WebTop platform then we recommend staying with v7.0.
As you can see from the changes below they are focused on server operations.
- AES-128 Encryption for TLS/SSL Cryptography
- Enhanced Type Caching
- Intelligent Session Management
- LDAP Nested Group Synchronization
- Support for Kerberos in Multiple Domains
- Projection of the Dormancy Status to Connection Brokers
- Virtual Deployment
- Remote Key Management (RKM)
- ACS Server Dormancy Status
- ACS/BOCS Deep Export Support
- Documentum Messaging Services (DMS) High Availability
- Documentum Messaging Services (DMS) Can Be Installed on Content Server Host
- FIPS 140–2 Compliance
- AES-128 Encryption for TLS/SSL Cryptography
- Widening of User and Group Name Properties
- Better Installation Experience
The release notes are available in EMC’s PowerLink, but don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you require more information.