Digital Compliance in Marketplace Assets in the Secondary Market

Marketplace lending is transforming many aspects of the lending industry. The technology platforms on which these marketplaces operate affect both the origination and the secondary market into which these loans are sold and increasingly securitized. Intuitive webpages collect borrower data, algorithms automate underwriting, providing borrowers with lower rates, better user experience and faster closings. Investors can select digital assets with filters and apply their own algorithms to earn higher returns than other asset classes.

While this first wave of Fin Tech has accelerated asset velocity, it has not created trust in the accuracy of these financial assets. The traditional approach to this challenge is to verify the accuracy of the key loan data tape elements and loan file completeness. This service is typically performed by the Document Custodian who when onboarding the documents into its system acts as the Verification Agent. The Verification Agent Certificate is issued to the warehouse lender, securitization trustee or other “economic buyer” and attests to the accuracy of the loan pool.

While this approach worked well in the paper world, several trends require a new approach which can deal with each of the following:

  • Velocity. Marketplace asset velocity requires an automated solution that can keep pace.
  • Flexibility. Investors want to diversify their portfolio across multiple Marketplace Lenders and asset classes, so the solution must be flexible.
  • Downstream Reliance. As these assets move from warehouse lender to securitization or sale, each economic buyer needs certainty of their ownership in the asset and the accuracy of each asset.
  • Cost. The costs of verifying the assets adversely impacts expense ratios of investment funds and securitization expenses.

In response to these trends, VeriComply has developed a solution that achieves these four objectives. As depicted in the diagram, here is how it works:

  • Multiple Marketplace Lending Platforms Connected– VeriComply automatically pulls the data and document package from the platform
  • Multiple Asset Classes Configured– VeriComply configures a Process Flow for each asset type
  • Automated Processing– loan file is auto classified, validated, data compared and then QA as needed
  • Certificate Issued– Certificate issued with schedules validating loan data accuracy and file completeness

Benefits. This solution offers benefits to the entire marketplace ecosphere:

  • Marketplace Platforms– greater demand for assets as investors have increased trust
  • Warehouse Lenders– easy integration with operations for rapid execution and reduced risk
  • Investors– reduced risk, reduced costs and greater liquidity for the assets
  • Underwriters– reduced diligence risks and costs and accelerated closings of deals
  • Rating Agencies– reduced compliance risks and costs for reviewing assets
  • Regulators– complete audit history of each asset in a securitization pool

Tracking Medical Devices – MedDevTrack Webinar

Thursday, November 17, 2016, at 11am PST / 2pm EST

Register Now!

MedDevTrack is unique in the medical device industry as it provides an end-to-end solution for device tracking – beginning from the end of manufacturing through all phases of distribution, clinical use and patient tracking. It features a workflow engine that allows you to configure the software to match your SOPs and provides a self-auditing record for compliance to your own SOPs and those imposed by regulatory agencies.

Providing a comprehensive, integrated Medical Device Tracking solution for all your stakeholders:

  • Procurement/Distribution
  • Regulatory/Quality Assurance
  • Information Technology
  • Medical/Clinical
  • Post-Marketing/Surveillance

Thursday, November 17, 2016, at 11am PST / 2pm EST

This webinar is part of our continuing Medical Device Tracking Symposium Series by leading industry experts working with solutions for medical device tracking and regulatory compliance. We want to bring you much more accurate information than you can find through internet searches – real, actionable tips from the people who are constantly refining their knowledge to provide a great forum for sharing critical information and updates.

Managing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) with DocuNECT

Many organizations today manage, use, store and/or distribute documents that contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII). This is done internally for employees or, depending on their area of business, for customers, patients, residents and students. This digital economy relies heavily on the storage, access and transfer of data so putting in place policies and technology to manage this is becoming critical.

Document management adds a layer of complexity as the data is not only stored in databases (metadata), but also in the content of the documents. If your business model requires the distribution of documents then technology needs to be put in place to redact the data in the documents as well as encrypt the data in the database.

Examples of PII

The following list provides examples of PII data:

  • Name and other names used;
  • Social Security number, full and truncated;
  • Driver’s license and other government identification numbers;
  • Citizenship, legal status, gender, race/ethnicity;
  • Birth date, place of birth;
  • Home and personal cell telephone numbers;
  • Personal email address, mailing and home address;
  • Religious preference;
  • Security clearance;
  • Mother’s middle and maiden names;
  • Spouse information, marital status, child information, emergency contact information;
  • Biometrics;
  • Financial information, medical information, disability information;
  • Law enforcement information, employment information, educational information; and
  • Military records

DocuNECT provides a number of security features and functionality to manage the storage, access and distribution of PII data.

Encryption at Rest and in Transit

Data needs to be protected when it moves from server to user and also when it is stored. DocuNECT encrypts the data in transit and at rest. When you define metadata to store documents, you can encrypt and mask the data. For example, a credit card number can be displayed as * except for the last 4 digits.

Free-Form Auto-Redaction of PII in Documents

If you want to distribute documents the PII needs to be protected in the content of the document. DocuNECT has a powerful business rules engine that can identify and redact the PII so the documents can be safely distributed. This functionality is not based on x/y coordinates of data, but uses technology to identify the PII contextually using the content itself. Therefore, this functionality can be used for both structured and unstructured documents.

Document Distribution

DocuNECT can distribute the redacted documents in a number of format specifications, whether it be a defined folder structure or a third party business application.

Role-Based Access to Documents and Data

Access to the documents and data can be tightly controlled so only the right users have access to the right information.

Audit Trails and Reporting

Every document and data action is audited in the system, from user access to document actions. This allows the complete chain of custody to be stored to help with compliance.