Power Up ApplicationXtender with DocuNECT

DocuNECT is an electronic document capture and migration solution that captures electronic documents from their source, extracts and organizes the necessary business data, and then distributes it to a third party business application to make the information readily available.

Need to Capture Electronic forms into Documentum ApplicationXtender?

Using a combination of the DocuNECT Desktop Capture applications and automated indexing provides a great solution for capturing electronic forms. Features include:

Capture electronic forms created in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, XML/HTML and Adobe PDF Forms
Submit the forms using the Virtual Print Driver, Desktop Capture or via Email
Utilizes existing applications to complete forms (Microsoft and Adobe Reader), which makes DocuNECT a cost-effective forms capture solution

DocuNECT for Documentum ApplicationXtender

Portford is pleased to announce the release of our new DocuNECT for Documentum ApplicationXtender (AX) web site that provides literature, presentations and demonstrations on how to add value to an AX environment.