Bringing eDiscovery In-House with EMC SourceOne Kazeon
The eDiscovery process is filled with challenges that can drive up cost and risk. CEOs are asking their IT, Legal and HR department for guidance on how to ensure compliance with new legislation around Information Governance and to be prepared for internal and regulatory investigations.
Be prepared for today’s urgent needs and tomorrow’s impending requirements. Join Portford and EMC at a WebEx event to learn how you can be prepared for litigation and audits by reinforcing proactive, systematic, repeatable business processes within your organization.
Attend our webinar on July 8th at 10am PST to learn how EMC SourceOne-Kazeon delivers comprehensive information governance solutions and enables you to take a proactive approach to legal requests, brining eDiscover in-house. Find out how EMC SourceOne:
- Empowers your organization with classification, security, retention, proper disposition and access to information
- Allows you to discover and manage content and apply a secure legal hold across a variety of repositories
- Provides secure authorized investigator access, defensible collection results, and chain of custody
- Automates the eDiscovery process and quickly deploys and configures your in-house solution in days and weeks versus months
Kazeon revolutionizes the way companies perform Information Management and eDiscovery by using the Information Server software to intelligently discover, search & index, classify and act on all electronically stored information. Kazeon provides a full spectrum of Information Management solutions, including proactive and reactive eDiscovery, information security and privacy, records management, governance, risk & compliance, and data management. The Kazeon Information Server software automates key eDiscovery functions — identification, collection, preservation, processing, analysis and review for corporations, service providers, and law firms. Click here to save our our upcoming WebEx meeting July 8th 10am PST in your outlook calendar and learn how your organization can bring the eDiscovery process in house.