Formerly known as ApplicationXtender (AX), OpenText™ AppEnhancer boasts powerful workflow automation and integration capabilities, print stream capture, and cloud-based tools to reduce manual document processing and boost productivity.
ApplicationXtender, also known as AppXtender or AX, has rebranded as OpenText™ AppEnhancer. The name change reflects AppEnhancer’s core benefit: adding content management to business applications, including electronic resource planning (ERP) software, accounting software, customer relationship management (CRM) solutions, and other systems.
In December 2020, OpenText released the 20.4 version of the software to include workflow automation from its integration with OpenText™ AppWorks™, replacing Workflow Manager. Additionally, AppEnhancer now captures digital print streams through its integration with OpenText™ Output Transformation Server, which replaces Reports Manager.
With a holistic mix of digital enhancements, new integrations and tools, AppEnhancer empowers your teams. The software’s increased automation capabilities can eliminate up to 90% of manual data entry and searching across departments. You can regain control of your documents and your time all at once.
Powerful Integrations for Improving Workflows
From AppWorks to Output Transformation Server, AppEnhancer’s additional OpenText integrations bring transparency and key insights for improved decision making.
AppWorks, a low-code development platform for designing and managing process automation and dynamic case management applications, is intuitive and requires no assistance from IT. With intelligent automation, mobile access, and flexible deployment options, AppWorks seamlessly complements the AppEnhancer platform for increased workflow automation.
For organizations struggling to manage print or PDF documents, OpenText Output Transformation Server digitizes and organizes files in a single step. Designed as an add-on module to AppEnhancer, Output Transformation Server provides print stream capabilities to index and process documents from email, folders, HTTP, MQ, and more.
Eliminate Busywork with AppEnhancer
As the leading document management software application for small to mid-sized organizations, AppEnhancer works by integrating with your existing applications. With optimal connectivity, AppEnhancer enhances metadata management, process-focused tools, and, ultimately, your entire content management process.
From accounting software to ERP systems, electronic medical and health record (EMR/EHR) software, and more, AppEnhancer expedites workflows, offering:
- Advanced Application Integration for one-click document access through connectors, REST services packages, and more.
- Easy Metadata Management to quickly search and retrieve captured data and documents, including from your own metadata lists and database libraries.
- Type-Ahead Functionality that allows users to choose even the most technical terms when searching digital databases.
- Process-Focused Tools, including granular search and saved search options that allow users to track documents, view larger documents in a “quick view” layout, and more.
- Access Control Functions to specify who can access information via document field-level precision.
- Information Security Controls, such as watermarking, rights expiration, and guest access.