Migrate Your Content to EMC’s ApplicationXtender!
Our recent article Migrate Your Content to a Central Document Repository discusses how you can increase compliance and control by consolidating your content into one repository. ApplicationXtender provides a easily deployable and feature rich platform to use as your one-source for document management.
Portford’s own award winning DocuNECT solution integrates with ApplicationXtender to provide an “on ramp” for content stored in different sources and legacy document management systems.
Top 5 Reasons to Move to ApplicationXtender
1) Access New Features. ApplicationXtender is a powerful, feature-rich document management solution that has recently had a major release with some exciting new features.
2) No Plug-Ins or Compatibility Issues. The application is web based utilizing HTML 5 technology. This means that there are no plug-ins that are incompatible with browsers and operating systems (i.e. Windows 10).
3) Tablet Ready. The web application is “tablet ready” so your business users can access content from different devices.
5) Supported Environment. ApplicationXtender is compatible with the latest Microsoft technologies to help keep in a supported Microsoft environment.
Take Advantage of LEAP
LEAP is EMC’s new hybrid cloud technology platform and is the wave of the future. ApplicationXtender works with the LEAP platform so you can take advantage of the digital transformation.